9:00h. – 9:20h. Welcome to EXCO’25 opening Ceremony with Fernando José Cos-Gayón López, Chair of ETS de Ingeniería de Edificación UPV, Spain, and José Ramón Albiol Ibáñez, Director EXCO’25. Deputy Director Digital Transformation, Business Chairs and Entrepreneurship ETS de Ingeniería de Edificación, UPV. Spain.
9:30h. – 9:50h. “Industrialized Housing in Chile: Savings, quality and sustainability” (Chile). Sebastián Donoso Lüer, Project Manager at Construction Company “J.M. Garcia”.
10:00h. – 10:20h. “3D Printing concrete and additive intelligent construction technology: Material design, digital fabrication and engineering application” (China). Sun Xiaoyan, Prof. Zhejiang University. Director of Building Materials Branch of China Architectural Society; Hangzhou, CHINA and a 151 talented person of Zhejiang Province.
10:20h. – 10:40h. Break.
10:40h. – 11:00h. “Proposal for actions for the creation of a network for monitoring groundwater levels in the municipality of Bétera” (Spain). Elía Verdevío Escribá, Mayor of Bétera, Lucía Belenguer Espinosa, Bétera City Council, and Javier Rodrigo Ilarri, Associate Professor at the University Institute of the Environment, UPV.
11:10h. – 11:30h. “Can we predict the future of a project early on? and do something to build a better future” (Chile). Luis Fernando Alarcon Cardenas, Director of the Center of Excellence in Production Management GEPUC, Chile.
11:40h. – 12:00h. “Avintia Group: Case of study Ávita” (Spain). José Ignacio Esteban Gil, General Director of Ávita.
12:00h. – 12:20h. Break
12:20h. – 12:40h. “Ferroli Group: Different fuels for the air conditioning market” (Spain). Víctor M. García Gil, Technical Trainer, Product Management, FERROLI Group.
12:50h. – 13:10h. “Generative AI in Architectural Design teaching: A creative revolution with algoritms” (Uruguay). Gastón Boero Falcini, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, ORT University of Montevideo, Uruguay.
13:20h. – 13:40h. “COAT Valencia: The value of the Building Engineer in the company” (Spain). Borja Nebot Huerta, Manager of the Official College of Technical Architecture of Valencia, and José Vicente Espí Navarro, General Director of Building, Bertolín Group.
13:40h. – 15:40h. Lunch Break.
15:40h. – 16:00h. “Project Management in BIM environments” (Spain). Begoña Fuentes Giner, Technical Architect and Building Engineer. Professor at the School of Building Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València.
16:10h. – 16:30h. “Territorial planning with Big Data: Prediction of informal settlements in Ecuador” (Ecuador). Miriam Guillén Vivas, Architect, Research Professor at San Gregorio University of Portoviejo, Manabí, Ecuador.
16:40h. – 17:00h. “Production and supply of ACS in Open Control Volumes in Dynamic Regime” (Spain). Antonio Romero Sedó, Professor and Engineer at the School of Building Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València and Paloma Arrué Burillo, Technical Architect and Professor at the School of Building Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València.
17:10h. – 17:30h. “Industrialized construction: From theory to practice” (Spain). Milagro Iborra Lucas, Technical Architect and Professor at the School of Building Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de València.