“From the first moment, we were surprised at how busy our stand was. We have had three very good days”, claims García Peris, manager for Peronda. “The contacts we make in one week at Cevisama would be impossible for us to make in a year of going to see customers”.
The international fair for ceramic, bathrooms and naturals tone reached the half-way point having delivered excellent results in an atmosphere of optimism and satisfaction amongst those taking part.
Valencia, 1st March 2023 .- Cevisama, the international fair for ceramic tiles, bathrooms, natural stone and affiliated sectors, which is on at Feria Valencia until this coming Friday, is now halfway through. There has been a good feeling to the fair, a lot of business has been done and the aisles have been thronging with professionals. This was certainly the case on this third day of the event, which continues until Friday.
The exhibitors have highlighted the quality of the visitors they have seen, who have come from all over the world, enabling them to make new contacts and close significant sales agreements. Visitors, on the other hand, have highlighted the innovation and creativity of the products on show, two of the major attractions of the fair, which consolidates the position of Spain’s ceramic industry as a global leader.
Cevisama’s director, Carmen Alvarez, has expressed satisfaction at the success achieved in the first three days of the fair, underlining the involvement and commitment of all those taking part, to making the event possible. “The exhibitors have told us they are very satisfied. They have been working non-stop for three days”, declared Álvarez.
Ismael García Peris, of Peronda, endorsed her comment. “From the first moment, we were surprised at how busy our stand was. We have had three very good days”, claimed García Peris, manager for Peronda, adding that to sell a product you have to give it added value. “I can’t think of anywhere better than Cevisama to do that. The contacts we make in one week at Cevisama would be impossible for us to make in a year of going to see customers”, he said.
Pedro Miralles, export director at APAVISA, is also satisfied at this point, halfway through the fair and says he has been very favourably impressed. “Having a fair like Cevisama that is a beacon for the industry is important. It is impossible to see 500 to 1000 customers in under a week by going to their offices or to show a product as attractively as we can here”, muses Miralles, concluding that “To not come to Cevisama is a mistake”.
Carla Aparici, of APARICI’s sales department highlighted, for her part, just how international Cevisama is. “Our expectations have been exceeded in just these first few days”, she says, “and we have been pleasantly surprised by the substantial number of Spanish customers that have attended as well as by the many new international contacts we have made, particularly from Europe and the Middle East”.
The representatives of Neolith, which this year won the prize for the best stand in show and one of the Alfa de Oro awards, were of the same opinion. Brand manager Andreas Manero said he was feeling very positive. “This is Wednesday and the week is going very well,” he claimed. “We are receiving a very high number of visitors. Most are from the Spanish market and some are from Central Europe, countries like Germany and the Netherlands”, he added. Manero also pointed out that Cevisama is a showcase for companies to position themselves, make contacts and see all those people they do not have the opportunity to see during the rest of the year. “Also, we want to continue to strengthen our position in the domestic market, to continue to drive sales in Spain. To so that, we need to be at Cevisama”.
Visitors from all five continents

A lot of languages have been heard in the aisles of Cevisama over these last three days: Spanish, French, English, German, Arabic, Italian…
The increasingly international profile of this fair is evident. Cevisama has managed to revive the major part played by foreign buyers looking for made in Spain, innovative and trendy products.
Louwhan Hoffmann, a visiting South African professional, illustrated that very point. “I was missing coming here to see trends. Cevisama is my favourite trade show”, he declared, whilst Veronica Calvosa, from Italy, said that Cevisama is an excdellent opportunity to meet different companies. “I have seen a lot of bransds on show here. I have enjoyed it a lot and made the absolute most of my time here”, she said.
Tomas Alía, one of the industry’s leading influencers, singled Cevisama out as the top international ceramic trade event. “There are significant new products and innovation on show as well as nods to artisan products. Cevisama is a very cosmopolitan fair and that needs to be promoted. The talent we have here is excellent and is hugely inspiring for architects and interior designers”, he noted.
Interior design talks. Joaquín Rodrigo room.
11.00. Talk given by Burr Studio.
12.30. Talk given by Persevera Producciones.
11.30. How is the natural stone sector being reinvented? Anil Taneja. Natural Stone Industry Analyst and Director, www.LITOSonline.com. Stone Gallery, N2P3, stands G1-G13.
12.00 – 14.00. Meeting of members of the Consejo Superior de Arquitectos. Events Centre. room 4A.
DISTRIBUTOR DAY. Joaquín Rodrigo room.
12.00. Distributing ceramic tiles: challenges and threats in a changing market.
12.30. Presentation by ESVEC. The reputational value of trade retailers of ceramic tiles.
13.00. Distributor prizes award event.
The New Architectonics forum
11.30 – 13.30. Prefabricated homes: Production capability.
Speakers: Room2030: Sergio Baragaño; Viraje / Ubiko: Jesús Herranz ; Xilonor / Finsa: Manuel Lobo; Universitat Internacional Catalunya: Vicente Sarrablo
16.00 – 18.00. Bioconstruction and circular economy. The time is right.
Speakers: ON-A: Saúl Ajuria; Arquitectura Sana: Sonia Hernández; Larinto: Victor del Olmo; Eco Intelligent Grown, Grupo Construcia: Marc Basany
Cevisama Build forum (N3 P1)
10.00. New techniques for reducing costs and improving the sustainability of construction elements. Victor Yepes Piqueras. Catedrático de Universidad / Full Professor. Department of Construction Engineering– ICITECH. UPV.
11.00. Efficient (Re)Construction. Soluciones Gyptec + Volcalis. Session led by Carlos Simões, Commercial Director, Volcalis, and Sandro Alberto, Commercial Director, Gyptec.
12.00. How ceramic materials can contribute to a building’s efficiency and sustainability. Environmental certifications. José Luis Valenciano, Architect, Hispalyt.
13.00. LEAN Agile Project Management. Tools for controlling and managing projects in real time. Arturo Torres. Customer Success Management Director. MESbook.
13.30. Faster waterproofing. Francisco Ferrandiz – Technical Director, Estilguru & Víctor Selva – Area Manager, Estilguru.
16.00. Wood as a sustainable material for the bathroom sector. Guillem Segura Orenga, Forestry Engineer and wood technology specialist at AIDIMME.
16.30. Bathroom and Kitchen Market Observatory.
2022 status and outlook for 2023 in the bathroom and kitchen equipment sector. Trends in the built environment and how these are reflected in bathrooms.
17.00. Design and sustainability as part of a project. Manuel Lozano and Carles Torres. Ramón Soler.